(443) 254-4101
Serving the Children of the World
Crofton Kiwanis 10K/5K Races
Coming Saturday, June 14th

Tables Available for Cherry Blossom Festival

Calling All Crofton Artists and Crafters! The Crofton Kiwanis Club has a section of the Crofton Cherry Blossom Festival, on March 22nd, that can accommodate up to 8 Crofton Artists and Crafters. Each 10’ x 10’ space can be re-served by making a $30 donation to the Kiwanis Foundation of Crofton, which supports local charitable efforts. If you need a table, the Crofton Kiwanis Club will provide one for you! If you are Crofton area artist or crafter and would like to reserve your spot, please send an email to Jim Harvey at jeharvey1908@gmail.com. (Image by Bruce Mars)
$1,000 Kiwanis Scholarships
Each year the Crofton Kiwanis Club and Foundation offers competitive scholarships to selected seniors who are members in good standing of one of their High School Key Clubs (Annapolis, Archbishop Spalding, Arundel, Chesapeake, Crofton, Indian Creek, Northeast, Old Mill, and Severna Park). If interested click below for the online application form. Paper application forms can be obtained by contacting russ.shipley@verizon.net. Note that all applications must be received by April 15, 2025.
Johns Hopkins House Presentation

At the Club's February 12th Regular Monthly Meeting, Don Bailey, President of the Friends of Historic Johns Hopkins House, Inc. gave club members and guests a presentation of the status of the Johns Hopkins House. He gave a comprehensive talk covering the Hopkins family, Johns Hopkins life and philanthropic activities in Baltimore, and the different owners of the house and the modifications to the house they'd made through the years. The 6-member 501(c)(3) organization is currently focusing on fundraising to hopefully purchase the house and renovate it to provide a historical and educational site for the Crofton area.
The club also had a presentation by elementary school student Mason Willoughby about his Kindness Grows Here grant's Woody Would You Want to Play Box project to provide boxes of games and materials to grades 3-5 school students for use during recess.
Kiwanis Christmas/Holiday Party

Several members of the Crofton Kiwanis Club celebrated the upcoming holidays at host Past President Mike Pierre's house in Two Rivers. The evening consisted of pleasant conversation, a pot luck dinner, an ugly sweater show-off, a white elephant gift exchange, and singing Christmas carols.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Crofton Kiwanis bell-ringers are shown in front of the Crofton Giant Food Store ringing bells during the 2024 Christmas season for charitable donations to Salvation Army Annapolis Corps. Shown in first picture is John Maloney. In second photo are Kiwanian Cheryl Swain with husband John Swain. In third photo, Salvation Army Annapolis Corps Development Officer Matthew Carolan (right) visits Kiwanis project chairman Russ Shipley.
Crofton Kiwanis and Salvation Army are deeply grateful to Crofton Giant Food for reserving our exclusive Salvation Army Red Kettle donation set up space at the store’s current and previous store locations over the past two decades.
Holiday School Food Boxes

Crofton Kiwanians and Key Clubbers packed boxes of food for families of students to enjoy during the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. This service program is chaired by Nancy Scaggs and Dennis Clark.
Crofton Stream Restoration Project
November 13th

Dr. Dennis Whigham, Distinguished Emeritus Scientist, retired from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, spoke to the Crofton Kiwanis Club about the environmental benefit the recent stream restoration project between Crofton Parkway and Route 424 will provide. These include sediment collection from rainwater runoff and the restoration of a natural habitat. He gave an excellent presentation explaining why this project was done in the manner it was and gave examples of other restoration projects in the area.
Flags for Heroes for Veteran's Day

Crofton Kiwanis Club and Crofton Key Club volunteers unfurled 100 U. S. Flags for Heroes next to Crofton’s main entrance, for a November 2 - 16, 2024 Veterans Day observance.
Most of the flags were sponsored with affixed tags bearing the names of American military, armed forces veterans and first responders. The net proceeds benefited charitable programs of the Crofton Kiwanis Foundation. The Crofton Civic Association partners with Crofton Kiwanis in the project, according to Kiwanis President and Flags Program Chair Jim Harvey. Kiwanis also displays Flags for Heroes annually during its Memorial Day observance.
Volunteers are pictured in the group photo. In second picture installing a flag is Kiwanian and Crofton 60th Anniversary Co-Chair Marsha Perry. (Photos by Kiwanian Russ Shipley)
Shown in the last picture are Kiwanian Bill Hand and Kim Kavanaugh along with Key Clubbers who helped taking down the flags at the end of the observance period.
Halloween Parade Saturday, October 26th

Above are Kiwanis Halloween Parade Chair James Kitchin, Co-Chair Krista Latchaw, her sons, and Crofton High School Key Club volunteers, along with John and Joyce Maloney in upper photo.
Following the parade there was lots of candy, Halloween crafts, a moon bounce and costume contest awards. Costume winners were the Baker Family for the Zookeepers (cutest), Lucas Parker for Biohazard Worker (scariest), Ulrich Woodfork for Astrobot (creative), Kharsyn Bavis for Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ (traditional), and the Schmitt Family for Schitt's Creek (group).
Chili Cook-off Saturday, October 19th

There were 13 contestants at the 10th Annual Crofton Chili Cook-off and all the chili sold out in just 90 minutes. The event gathered over $700 for the Crofton Christian Caring Council's Food Pantry as well as two baskets of canned and packaged food. The event is put on by the Crofton Kiwanis Club and the Crofton Civic Association and is hosted by the Crofton Farmers Market. Volunteers from the Crofton Kiwanis Club and the Crofton Christian Caring Council helped serve hundreds of 2 oz. servings of chili. Chad Houck won both the 2024 Champion's Trophy (judged award) and the People's Choice Trophy, which is determined by ballots submitted by attendees of the event. Patrick Malone won the hottest chili award. Rumor has it that Chad, who has won the Chili Cook-off 5 times, will be retiring and returning next year as a judge!
Bethany Christian Services

Christopher Wirt, the Maryland and Virginia Executive Branch Director of Bethany Christian Services spoke at our August 14th Kiwanis Meeting at the Crofton Library about the many services their organization provides. These include reuniting separated immigrant children with their sponsors, foster care, adoption services, and pregnancy counseling.
Pie Bake-off Saturday, July 20th

9th Annual Crofton Pie Bake Off – After a couple of no-shows, 36 pies arrived at the 9th Annual Crofton Pie Bake-off, the most ever. Slices were sold to the public in exchange for a $5 donation to the Crofton Christian Caring Council’s Baby Pantry and every single slice sold out! The event raised $1128.45 in donations for the CCCC’s Baby Pantry … that’s a lot of diapers and baby food for families in need!
Two slices were reserved for judges. The panel of judges tasted and evaluated the 18 contest entries for appearance, aroma, and taste. There was everything from an Elvis Pie to balsamic strawberry and candied basil to pretzel key lime pie and much more. The judges picked the three winners:
Best Cream Pie went to Kathleen Marchsteiner for her coffee cream pie on an Oreo crust.
Best Savory went to Kelsey Locotos for her steak and ale pie.
Best Fruit pie went to Sally Moore for her 3” thick blueberry pie on a gluten-free crust.
New this year, was a “Top Pie” trophy. After conferring among themselves, the judges selected Sally Moore’s blueberry pie for the “Top Pie”.
Special thanks to our judges, Yael Beckman of Coldwell Banker Realty, Sissi Hernandez of Health & Vitality Clinic, Jason Jett of the Crofton Police Department, Judy Wilson of the Greater Crofton Chamber of Commerce, and Mark Yarbrough of Shore United Bank. The event was co-organized by the Crofton Kiwanis Club and the Crofton Civic Association and hosted by the Crofton Farmers Market.
Climate Change Presentation

Bob and Shirley Fuller, ambassadors of ecoAmerica and members of the Prince of Peace Church's Earth Care Team, gave an interesting presentation on Climate Change at our June12th monthly meeting at the Crofton Library.
Annual Crofton Kiwanis 10K and 5K Races
Thanks to all runners who came out and supported our 36th Annual 10K and 5K races on Saturday, June 8th on a great day to run.
And as always, special thanks to Team Surlis!
We would also like to thank the Crofton Police Department, the Anne Arundel County Police, and the Arundel Volunteer Fire Department for assisting us in keeping our runners safe.
This is our major fundraiser to support local charities and community events.

Derek Ammons is the only runner to have run in every 10K race the Kiwanis has held. Congratulations!
Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors
Team Surlis of RE/MAX Leading Edge
Crofton Go-Kart Raceway
Williams Financial Services
Chick-fil-A for chicken biscuits
Wegmans for water, ice, food, and helping hands
Morgan Stanley/Chesapeake Capitol Group
Carole & John Hampton
Welcoming these new sponsors:
*Maryland Icon Athletics
*Rehab 2 Perform
*SWATFIT Coaching
424 Wine & Spirits
Belair Engineering
Crofton Family Dentistry
Edward Jones Financial
The Fallon Family
Kumon of Crofton
Ledo Pizza Crofton/Bowie
Joyce & John Maloney
Joe & Carole Narcavage
Regan Grace & Kerley, PA
Sharon & Russ Shipley
Solstice Kitchen & Bath
Stuart Schmidt, delegate
Vuong's Martial Arts
Zancan Press
8 Days a Week Business Solutions
Crofton Jazzercise Fitness Center
Family Bike
Nancy & Reggie Haseltine
Patty & Dick Kemezis
Panoptic Eye Care
Rich Reilly Insurance Agency
Crofton Country Club
Best Storage
Gold's Gym
Crofton Key Club Announced at 48th
Charter Night Dinner

The Crofton Kiwanis Club held its 48th Charter Night Dinner on Wednesday, May 15th at the Frisco Tap House. During the dinner Crofton Kiwanis Past President and Service Leadership Program Chairman Bill Hand announced to rousing cheers that a new Key Club had just been created at Crofton High School. He stated that students there made it happen after several years of encouragement to the school administration by Crofton Kiwanis Club.
The Crofton Kiwanis Club already sponsors nine other high school Key Club student service organizations.
In the upper left photo member Dolores Hill of Crofton, far left, was formally inducted into Crofton Kiwanis membership. Her late husband John Hill had been a Crofton Kiwanis member for many years. Dolores is shown holding her new member folder and certificate, with sponsor Sharon Shipley at center, and President Mike Pierre at right.
In the above right photo, President Mike admires the Crofton Kiwanis 48th Anniversary inscribed sheet cake. The program, venue, decor, fine buffet cuisine and glorious crowning cake effort was led by Club Vice President Renee Mackey, primarily assisted on the planning committee by Club Treasurer Nancy Scaggs. Many thanks on a job well done!
Scholarship Presentations at Annual Club Meeting

The Crofton Kiwanis Foundation presented four $1,000 college tuition merit scholarships to members of three sponsored high school Key Clubs at the Crofton Kiwanis Club Annual Meeting on Wed., May 8 at the Waugh Chapel Village Commons Community Center.
Shown in the first picture left to right with their Kiwanis Certificates of Achievement and also their Maryland General Assembly Citations of Recognition provided by Del. Stuart Schmidt Jr. (District 33B):
Kayleigh Brown, Old Mill High School Key Club (attending University of Connecticut). The William and Janet Hand Crofton Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship.
Thalia Roa, Chesapeake High School Key Club (attending University of Maryland College Park). The Thomas and Marnie Fallon Crofton Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship.
Amir Walton-Irvin, Chesapeake High School Key Club (attending University of Maryland Baltimore County). The Daniel Scholfield Crofton Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship.
Hunter Walls, Indian Creek Upper School Key Club (attending University of Maryland College Park). The Sharon Drew Crofton Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship.
The meeting was well attended including an interclub from Kiwanis Club of Ellicott City. Crofton Kiwanis Annual Election of 2024-2025 Officers and Directors was also held, with James Harvey elected to succeed Michael Pierre as Crofton Kiwanis Club and Foundation President on Oct. 1, 2024.
Shown in the second picture, incoming President-Elect Renee Mackey introduced the Annual Meeting featured speaker David Baugh, a Kiwanis International Trustee and former Capital District Governor. He spoke on the responsibilities of a Trustee, on local club recognition and grant opportunities, about new Kiwanis outreach initiatives, and also on important amendments to Kiwanis International bylaws under consideration.
Capital District Governor-Elect Josh Hiscock was also called upon for brief remarks during Kiwanis Trustee Baugh’s presentation , as was guest Capital District Blue Ridge Regional Trustee Roger Diehl.
A bountiful reception concluded the evening event.
County Executive Visit to Kiwanis

Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman (at right, shown shown with Crofton Kiwanis President Mike Pierre) presented on a variety of Issues in a lively discussion with an overflow audience at the Crofton Kiwanis Club monthly meeting held at the Crofton Public Library on April 10th. Topics included County zoning and development, transportation, commercial and residential construction considerations, environment protections, the ongoing road widening project on MD Route 3, assistance to veterans and underserved populations, and the rapid and strong unified multilevel government, military and first responders reactions to the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse tragedy. The County Executive was introduced by his associate and Crofton Kiwanis member and Crofton resident James Kitchin, who also participated in the Q and A. The audience also got a recap of the recently adjourned session of the MD General Assembly from House Delegate Stuart Schmidt (33-B), a Crofton Kiwanis member and Crofton resident.
Crofton Community Yard Sale

There was steady table traffic and good vibes at the Crofton Kiwanis community yard sale area at the town’s third annual Cherry Blossom Festival on Saturday, March 30, 2024. Kiwanis collected about $400 total from its table item sales and table rentals. Some potential new members and supporters got information on the club and fliers at our membership table. Special thanks to Kiwanis event organizer Nancy Scaggs, member and Crofton Civic Assn. Comptroller and the community’s event coordinator Jim Harvey, and all who donated items for the Kiwanis table sales. Nancy noted that many of Kiwanis’s unsold items were to be donated to Partners in Care, Goodwill, and the book/media charity program at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church,
Pictured at a Kiwanis display table are (left to right) member volunteers Nancy Scaggs, Dennis Clark, Gene Stull and President Mike Pierre. Others assisting were members Kim Kavanaugh, Sue Harvey and Patrick Heelen.
St. Paul's Lutheran Quilters

A trio of St. Paul’s Lutheran Quilters wove their nonprofit’s impressive mission story of community, civic and charitable service at the March 13, 2024 monthly meeting of the Crofton Kiwanis Club. In addition to gifting of their quilts for many years to nursing homes, treatment centers, veterans groups, hospices and other local organizations, proceeds at their Annual Sale Oct. 4 - 6, 2024 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Crofton will continue their ongoing monetary contributions to worthy causes. Pictured in the left photo (left to right) presenting a St.Paul’s Lutheran Quilters contribution $500 check to Crofton Kiwanis Club and Foundation President Mike Pierre are Judy Parker, Donna Minner and Carol Kendrick. On the right is a large bed quilt.
Gold Star Presentation

At the January 10th monthly Crofton Kiwanis Club membership meeting presentation at the Crofton Library, attendees learned about a local program to purchase and install a Gold Star Memorial on Route 3 near the main entrance to the community. The location will be near the site of the Crofton Kiwanis Foundation’s twice annual display of U. S. “Flags for Heroes”.
The memorial project is in celebration of Crofton’s 60th Anniversary, and jointly coordinated by the Crofton Village Garden Club and the Crofton Greenery Garden Club. The name Gold Star is from the custom of families of service members hanging U. S. wartime service flags in their home windows, bearing blue stars for a family’s living armed forces members and gold stars for deceased military members.
The current objective is to dedicate a 7-foot high Gold Star Memorial inscribed marker next to the Crofton main entrance in a ceremony on Sunday afternoon, November 10, 2024, in honor of Veteran’s Day.
Shown in photograph are (left to right): Marcia Richard, Chair of Crofton’s Gold Star Memorial Committee; and Committee Co-Chair and Crofton Civic Association President Anna O’Kelly, each holding Kiwanis’ “Crofton 60th Anniversary” gift mugs; along with Crofton Kiwanis President Mike Pierre and Crofton Kiwanis Club Vice President and Program Chair Renee Mackey.
All in Greater Crofton wishing to share names of their Gold Star families are encouraged by the Gold Star program to email that information to: info@croftontownhall.org .
Checks in support if the program can be made payable to “CVGC”, with check memo designation “Gold Star”, and mailed to Crofton Village Garden Club, P. O. Box 3492, Crofton, MD 21114.
National Night Out

A spectacular “Freshman Class” of new Crofton Kiwanis members along with other spirited Kiwanian volunteers led the way at energizing the Club’s “meet & greet public outreach” in front of the Club’s exhibit booth at National Night Out on August 1 at Crofton High School, with personal welcomes and chats, handout materials, waters and distributed goodies. Kiwanis volunteers included Gene Stull, David Rodriguez, James Kitchin, Renee Mackey and Cheryl Malone, plus a boost by member and MD State Delegate Stuart Schmidt visiting from his own nearby booth. Also helping out: long-tenured members including Project Co-Coordinator Nancy Scaggs and husband Dennis Clark, Nancy and Reggie Haseltine, Mike Kane, Mike Sweeney, Kim Kavanaugh, and last Russ Shipley (assisted mightily by his son Richard Shipley and his long van along with Richard’s nephew Mike).
Many “Night Out” visitors left with Crofton Kiwanis Club information and applications, sponsor forms for our “Flags for Heroes” Veterans Day and Memorial Day observances, legacy logo tee shirts from past Kiwanis 10 K Challenge races, chilled bottled waters and assorted hard candies.
Many visiting family dogs were delighted with the Kiwanis “continuous bowl” of cold water service provided.
(First photo pictured is member Gene Stull with - in shadows inside - booth members Nancy Haseltine and Past President Club/Website Manager Reggie Haseltine. In second photo, left to right: Members James Kitchin and Renee Mackey with MD State Senator Jim Rosepepe.)
Anne Arundel County Sheriff's Visit

Anne Arundel County Sheriff Everett Sesker dazzled the Crofton Kiwanis meeting attendees with his diverse and impressive biography in law enforcement and his ambitious Sheriff’s Department reorganization and goals for the future.
In the top picture are (from left): Crofton Police Acting Chief, Sergeant Jason Jett, and Corporal John Sims; Anne Arundel County Sheriff Everett Sesker; Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office Deputy and Public Relations Coordinator Angie Hines; and Crofton Kiwanis President Mike Pierre.
In the lower right picture, new member James Kitchin in shown (center) at his June 14 Crofton Kiwanis membership induction with his sponsor, Crofton Town Manager Martin Simon (right), and Crofton Kiwanis President Mike Pierre (left). James and his family are long-time Crofton residents. He holds the position of director of research and special initiatives in Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman’s administration.
Honoring Veterans

Crofton Kiwanis Honors Members and Partners During Veterans Ceremonies
As part of its 2022 Veterans Day Observance program, the Crofton Kiwanis Club has recognized several of its members and program partners.
Pictured in photo above at the Crofton Kiwanis Veterans Commemoration membership meeting on Wed., Nov. 9 at the Nautilus Diner are these members and partners recognized with framed certificates for their Kiwanis veterans and patriotic program involvement and their public, charitable and club service: (shown left to right): Crofton Kiwanis member since 2001 Andy Caufield (NSA Cybersecurity Officer, retired Navy Lt. Commander, and Naval Academy graduate, and the featured Nov. 9 program speaker); member and Past President John Maloney (Crofton Kiwanis Flags Around the Parkway chairman and leading advocate for many years); member John R. Hill (Army Vietnam Combat Veteran and Flags for Heroes participant): member Jim Harvey (Crofton Kiwanis Flags for Heroes’ outstanding chairman, organizer, manager and promoter “multi-tasker” again this year); with Crofton Kiwanis Club President Mike Pierre at far right. Honorees not pictured: Bob Carr, TLC Irrigation (Crofton Flags Around the Parkway’s generous installation and storage donating corporate partner for many years); Kiwanis member Martin H. Simon, Crofton Civic Association Town Manager (and the Flags for Heroes CCA facilitator - with endorsement of the Crofton Civic Association Board of Directors – in providing the new electric power source site for the Flags for Heroes display of 100 [and growing] U. S. flags on the Veterans Day and Memorial Day periods at Crofton’s main front entrance); and members Ray and Nickie Zancan.
Member Special Recognition

In the photo above Kiwanian Nickie Zancan receives from Vice President Russ Shipley the framed certificate recognizing her, member Ray Zancan and Zancan Press of Upper Marlboro for their Flags for Heroes support including the 2022 donated vinyl display banner; their 2022 continued outstanding Kiwanis Halloween Parade leadership and contributions; years of support of the Crofton Kiwanis 10 K Challenge / 5 K Run fundraising event; donated printing for Crofton Kiwanis catered events; and other provided design, printing and logo product services.
We thank these outstanding contributors, and all involved in our club’s patriotic programs and other services and projects, for continuing Kiwanis and community participation.
"Courage" Theme Night

The Crofton Kiwanis Club learned about “Courage” at its monthly membership evening meeting at Nautilus Diner on Oct. 12, 2022 in two ways.
Crofton Kiwanis paid tribute on Oct. 12 to member John R. Hill, who was presented with a patriotic “Stars and Stripes” table runner created by Crofton’s St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Quilters. With Veteran’s Day approaching, the club recognized his courageous U. S. Army military accomplishments in Special Operations as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War. Among his military citations, Sergeant Hill received the Bronze Star Medal and also the Purple Heart for combat wounds sustained, He has been an active member of Crofton Kiwanis since 2018 and has volunteered for the Crofton Kiwanis “Flags for Heroes” program and various wounded warriors and other Crofton Kiwanis Foundation projects. He and his wife Dolores moved to Crofton in 1972 where they raised their two children.
Shown below that photo are Carol and B.J. Diamond of Crofton describing how their “Cam Power for All” - Where Hope Begins - nonprofit honors the memory of their late 8-year-old daughter Cameron, who lost her battles with leukemia and complications in 2008. Their fundraising (including an annual Charity youth competition at Crofton Swim and Tennis Club) supports John’s Hopkins Children's Hospital and it’s kids’ playroom, provides funds and encouragement to young patient families in need, backs pediatric disease research, and awards local high school seniors with college scholarships in family sciences. Please visit their website at: http://www.campowerforall.org
Lifetime Achievement Award for Youth Service Leadership

Long-time Kiwanis members Bill and Janet Hand received the Crofton Kiwanis Club’s Lifetime Achievement Award from Club President Mike Pierre (pictured at right) at the Club’s 47th Annual Installation Dinner held on Friday, Sept. 30, 2022. Bill and Janet were recognized for their decades of dedication, achievements and service in support of Kiwanis sponsored youth projects and particularly high school Kiwanis Key Club programs at the local, division, and district levels. Bill recently stepped down as chair of the Crofton Kiwanis Service Leadership Program and as liaison to Crofton Kiwanis’ 5 sponsored Key Clubs at these high schools: Anne Arundel, Broadneck, Indian Creek, Meade and Archbishop Spalding.

Crofton Kiwanis Club
A Service Club in Crofton, Maryland
The Kiwanis Club and Foundation of Crofton, Maryland serves the Greater Crofton area, focusing on the needs of children and families, community involvement and enrichment, and service to the citizens.
Examples of our activities include the Annual Crofton Halloween Parade, the Annual 10K and 5K races, Flags for Heroes displays, Salvation Army bell ringing, Sarah's House meals, and Bingo games at the Autumn Lake convalescent center.
Our charitable activities include regular contributions to Sarah's House, the Crofton Christian Caring Council, Happy Helpers for the Homeless, the Parents Club of Crofton School Backpacks program, and other charitable causes on an ad hoc basis.
Contact Membership Chair Joyce Maloney at (410) 721-1189 or joycebmaloney@gmail.com to find out more about Kiwanis or to inquire about joining.

Do you enjoy the American and Maryland flags that are on display around Crofton Parkway?
This program is coordinated by the Crofton Kiwanis Club, and has relied on the generosity of the people of Crofton over the years.
The flags have been hung on the parkway since 1990. They were the idea of Ed Dosek, the newly elected President of the Crofton Civic Association (CCA) at that time. He was looking for a patriotic way to celebrate Crofton.
There are 76 BGE light poles along the Crofton Parkway. Each has two American flags, except for the 8 street entrances into Crofton where there is a Maryland flag along with the American flag.
The flags are hung in May before the Armed Services parade and removed after Veterans Day in November. The CCA managed the program initially until it was turned over to the Crofton Kiwanis Club.
TLC, a local business in Crofton, puts the flags up and takes them down and also stores them at their facility. Also during the year TLC will replace any flag causalities that might occur.
This year we replaced 35 flags and poles that were worn out. With those replacements the flag fund has gone into the red.
If you would like to help with this project and donate you may send a check made out to the Crofton Kiwanis Foundation and mail to:
The Crofton Kiwanis Foundation
c/o The Crofton Kiwanis Club
Box 3101
Crofton, MD 21114
Thanks for your support!
Upcoming Events
Friday, February 28th-Sunday, March 2nd - Capital District Kiwanis Midyear Conference, Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort, Cambridge, MD
Wednesday, March 5th - Board Meeting, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM
Wednesday, March 12th - Regular Monthly Club Meeting, Steve Migdal speaking on AARP Cybersecurity and Scam Identification, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM
Wednesday, April 9th - Regular Monthly Club Meeting, Charity Riding speaker, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM
Wednesday, May 14th - Crofton Kiwanis Annual Meeting, Officers & Board Election, and Key Club Scholarship Presentations, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM
Thursday, May 15th - Annual Charter Night Dinner, Ashlings Restaurant, 6 PM
Wednesday, June 11th - Chesapeake Baysox Game, 6:35 PM
Saturday, June 14th - Crofton Kiwanis 10K Challenge and 5K Race, Crofton Country Club, 8 AM
Wednesday, July 9th - Regular Monthly Club Meeting, CPR Seminar, AVFD Training Center, 7 PM
September - Installation Dinner, location and time TBD
Our Regular Activities and Events
Monthly Club Meetings
We hold a regular club meeting on the 2nd Wednesday each month at 7 PM. Starting in September 2024 these will be held at the "white building", which is the Arundel Volunteer Fire Department's Training Building on Davidsonville Road just below Staples Corner.
In addition to discussing upcoming events we have invited guest speakers.
Visitors are always welcome to attend.
We have a Board of Directors meeting on the first Wednesday each month and a Social Dinner at Ledo Pizza in Crofton on the fourth Wednesday.
Shown in the picture above is a presentation by the Kiwanis Foundation to the Crofton Christian Caring Council at one of our regular club meetings.
10K Challenge and 5K Run
Since 1989 the Kiwanis Club and Foundation of Crofton, Maryland has sponsored the 10K Challenge race that covers the beautiful tree-lined residential streets of Crofton. This is the Foundation's biggest fundraiser. Our race is always held on the second Saturday in June.
The 10K course includes some light hills but is mostly a flat course. Medals are given for the top 3 runners overall and first place male and female finishers in 19 age/gender categories. Short sleeve technical shirts are given to the first 250 entrants. Food, drink and other giveaways from our sponsors are available at the finish line. Electronic timing is used and results are posted within 8 hours. The 5K Race was added to the 10K in 2018. Both races in this family friendly community event offer something from the beginning runner to those preparing to train for a fall marathon.
2021 Results
2020 Results (Virtual Runs Only)
2019 Results
2018 Results
Halloween Parade

The Kiwanis Club holds its annual Halloween Parade the last Saturday of October, and we invite all Crofton residents and community organizations to participate.
The parade starts at the Crofton Country Club and ends at the Town Hall, where the prizes for best costume are handed out. The kids meet at the Prince of Peace Church parking lot at 10 AM to register their costumes and be judged and then join the Parade staging area next door at the Country Club, where the parade starts at 11 AM.
If it rains, the parade is cancelled, but a virtual costume contest is held with live judging.
If your organization would like be one of the participants in the Parade, please contact Nickie Zancan (nickie@zancanpress.com).
Service Leadership Programs

The Crofton Kiwanis Club is actively involved in mentoring young adults at school meetings and during their service projects. We sponsor 10 high school Key Clubs at county schools. We provide up to five college scholarships each year. Our club helps defray the costs to attend the district convention and also makes an annual contribution for a high school sophomore to attend the Hugh O'Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Conference.
(Pictured above is Past President/Service Leadership Chairman Bill Hand (left) with members of the newly chartered Indian Creek School Key Club)